About Quickmail

Our passion is customer dialogue: We deliver messages in letterboxes and thus support the acquisition and retention of customers. Our system is tailored to the delivery of letters. With us, your messages reach over 3.85 million households in all parts of Switzerland, week after week.

Who is Quickmail?

The only private mail service provider

Quickmail is the first and only private service provider in Switzerland for the delivery of addressed, partially addressed and unaddressed letters.

Wide range of products

Quickmail offers cost-effective delivery of mailings, magazines and small consignments.

Foundation after lowering of letter monopoly

Quickmail was founded in 2009 after the letter monopoly was lowered to 50 g.

Climate-friendly parcel delivery

With the launch of the Quickpac in June 2019, Quickmail is also offering quiet, fast and climate-friendly parcel delivery.

A strong Swiss employer

Quickmail creates jobs and currently employs 122 full-time and over 3,000 part-time staff.

Diversity and equal opportunities

Quickmail employs people from 81 countries. 60 % of our delivery agents are women. The wage difference between men and women is 0 %.


May 2024
Quickmail Spendenlandkarte 2024

Quickmail publishes first donation map for Switzerland. The donation map analyzed how many addressed mailings were sent by charitable Quickmail customers in 2023. The basis was 10.5 million mailings sent.

April 2024
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Milestone reached! Since 2009, we have delivered over 1 billion letters, mailings and catalogs throughout Switzerland!

February 2024
Bild MM Jahresbilanz 2023

In 2023, the number of unaddressed mailings rose from 15.0 million in the previous year to 21.5 million, an increase of 43 %. The decline in addressed mailings, catalogues and customer magazines was 17 %.

24 Februar Planzer

The Swiss family firm Planzer acquires Quickpac and Quickmail.

January 2024
Quickmail Zustellerin

Quickmail increases the wages of its delivery staff by 2 % in regions without a cantonal or municipal minimum wage. In regions with a minimum wage, the adjustment is based on the municipal or cantonal requirements.

January 2023
Zustellung Quickmail Quickpac

Quickmail Group with CHF 79 million in sales. With the 2022 newly launched product Quickflyer Unaddressed Quickmail was able to win 15 million items straight away.

November 2022
E Vito 3

With the opening of the depots in St. Gallen, Ostermundigen (BE) and Ebikon (LU), Quickpac increases its household coverage to over 2 million households or around 72.7% of all households in German-speaking Switzerland.

April 2022
Lancierung QF Unadressiert

Quickmail launches the product Quickflyer Unaddressed and now also delivers unaddressed mail.

February 2022
Expertenkommission Grundversorgung

Commission of experts on postal services recommends abolishing the residual monopoly for letters.

Steigerung Umsatz 2022

Quickmail AG: Turnover increased by CHF 7 m to CHF 73 m (+11 %) year-on-year. Quickpac delivered 3.4 m parcels in 2021 (+80 %).

September 2021
Neue QM Website

Launch of new Quickmail company website.

August 2021
Weko Busse Post

Swiss Post accepts a multi-million fine from the WeKo because of improper discounts for large customers in the mail sector.

July 2021
CO2 eingespart

Quickpac has already delivered over 4 million consignments, covered more than 6 million km electrically and saved around 1,000 tonnes of CO2 in the process.

April 2021
Logistik erleben

Participation in the focus exhibition "Experience Logistics!" at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne (until August 2022)

February 2021
Jahresergebnis 2021

Quickmail AG publishes revenue figures for the first time. Increase in sales of CHF 5 million to CHF 66 million compared to the previous year, increase in market share from 4.0 to 4.2 % and 258 new jobs.

November 2020
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Quickpac opens its third depot in Dietikon, reaching 1.2 million households or 33.6 % of all households in Switzerland.

June 2020
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Quickpac delivers the millionth package.

June 2019
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Quickmail starts operating Quickpac and delivers the first parcels. By the end of the year, Quickpac already reaches 25 % of all Swiss households.

May 2019

Quickmail launches the stamp "10 years Quickmail - 10 years residual monopoly" to mark the company's 10th anniversary. In August, Quickmail officially celebrates its anniversary on Lake Constance with over 250 guests.

March 2019
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Quickpac vehicle handover: At the Stade de Suisse in Berne, Quickmail takes delivery of the first 50 Renault Kangoo and starts building up the largest electric car fleet in Switzerland.

October 2018
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A group of investors represented by Verium AG in Zurich takes over the majority of shares from MS Direct Group AG. The launch of the product "Quickflyer Partially Addressed" follows in November.

February 2018

For the first time, Quickmail and a customer (Schuler St. Jakobskellerei) jointly issue a stamp, with two more customer issues to follow in 2018. Also in February, the operational launch of Quickmail International (export letters) is completed.

February 2017
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The evaluation report on the Postal Act supports Quickmail's various demands (e.g. access to P.O. boxes), but confirms the retention of the residual monopoly. Nevertheless, Quickmail continues to grow and in August launches the product Quicksample for sending samples of goods.

October 2016
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Quickmail starts delivery in Ticino. Quickmail continues to focus on electromobility and purchases 3 electric Renault Twizy vehicles. In December, Quickmail begins delivering individual letters for Deutsche Post AG.

March 2016
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In March, PostCom denies Quickmail access to post office boxes and in April Quickmail hires the 2,500th delivery agent.

October 2015
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Federal Council recommends that the residual monopoly be maintained. Quickmail launches the campaign for the revision of the Postal Act with the luminescent "Rendez-vous Bundesplatz" stamp. The collective labour agreement is signed in December.

September 2015
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Quickmail launches cooperation with myclimate and ships all consignments CO2-neutrally.

September 2014
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Opening of Lausanne office

October 2013
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After delivering its 100 millionth consignment in July, Quickmail hires its 1000th delivery agent October.

February 2012
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Takeover of AWZ AG delivery areas. Changeover of depot delivery to nilo Night Logistics (Valora, now 7Days Media Services AG).

September 2011
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Start of delivery in French-speaking Switzerland

May 2011
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Issue of Switzerland's first private postage stamp

August 2010
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Cooperation with AWZ AG

November 2009
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Start of delivery in St. Gallen and Appenzell

August 2009
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Company foundation

Quickmail in figures

Quickmail Planzer AG is the "market leader in private letter services" in Switzerland, according to the postal regulatory authority (PostCom). Since its foundation in 2009, Quickmail has transported over 961 million addressed items and created over 400 jobs.

Number of letters, mailings and catalogues delivered

Addressed mailings

  • 2009: 0.1 Mio.

  • 2010: 2.3 Mio.

  • 2011: 14.6 Mio.

  • 2012: 28.8 Mio.

  • 2013: 34.8 Mio.

  • 2014: 40.0 Mio.

  • 2015: 61.5 Mio.

  • 2016: 72.2 Mio.

  • 2017: 86.8 Mio.

  • 2018: 98.8 Mio.

  • 2019: 106.8 Mio.

  • 2020: 107.5 Mio.

  • 2021: 104.3 Mio.

  • 2022: 98.0 Mio.

  • 2023: 81.6 Mio.

Unaddressed mailings

  • 2021: 0.9 Mio.

  • 2022: 15.0 Mio.

  • 2023: 21.5 Mio.

Number of households reached

  • Switzerland-wide: 3.3 million (85.4 % of all households in Switzerland)

  • German-speaking Switzerland: 2.4 million (86.5 % of households in German-speaking Switzerland)

  • French-speaking Switzerland: 766,000 (83.7 % of households in Western Switzerland)

  • Ticino: 132,000 (77.6 % of households in Ticino)

Number of employees

  • Full-time: 122

  • Part-time: 3'052

  • Converted to full-time positions: 484

(as of 31 December 2023)

Our mission statement


We are open to new ideas.

We are constantly optimising our products and processes. To do this, we experiment a lot and try unusual approaches.

We create jobs.

Our innovative offers for addressed advertising bring new jobs. Every printed and delivered advertising mailing strengthens Switzerland - whereas most of the money spent on online advertising goes abroad.

We support our employees.

As a growing company, we offer our employees perspectives. Vacant or new positions are first offered to existing employees. We invest in the development and know-how of our employees.


We believe in the future of the letterbox.

No medium in Switzerland reaches more people than printed mail. Addressed advertising in the letterbox is expected, read and triggers purchases - today and tomorrow.

Everyone should be free to choose their mail service provider.

The residual monopoly for letters up to 50 g is outdated and must be abolished. It leads to excessive postage prices, harms the Swiss printing industry and destroys jobs.

We'll make it simple.

We convince our customers with straightforward products and reasonable prices.


Every consignment counts.

Our primary goal is the punctual and proper delivery of all consignments entrusted to us.

We know our customers.

We invest a lot of time to understand what our senders' needs and challenges are. We know the recipients' letterboxes and respect their wishes for delivery.

We want to be the better choice.

As a young company, we have to convince with a better price-performance ratio. We achieve this through innovation and consistent quality management.