Quickflyer Unaddressed
The maximum reach for the best price: the only way to achieve this is with unaddressed mailings. Trust Quickmail to deliver your unaddressed advertising consignments. Select precise distribution areas based on your regional criteria and household characteristics. With our Quick Calculator, you can work out the distribution figures and approximate costs for sending your unaddressed advertising consignments in just a few clicks. Without obligation and without login.
With Quickflyer Unaddressed, you can send unaddressed mailings and advertising mail all over Switzerland. This will enable you to reach up to 4 million Swiss households week after week, a huge reach at a reasonable price. Thanks to deliveries on Thursdays and Fridays, the weekdays with the best response, your advertising consignments will enjoy maximum visibility. Quickflyer Unaddressed covers unaddressed consignments without a minimum weight. Flyers, brochures, catalogues and even product samples can be sent.
One-off and recurring mailings
All types of mailings such as flyers, catalogues or product samples
Acquisition of new customers
New market entries, launches of products and brands
Promotions, Promopost
Special offers and time-limited promotions
Announcement of new openings, branch openings etc.
Official information to a broad public
Attractive price benefits compared with the services offered by traditional competitors
Huge reach without loss of distribution thanks to tailored selection of distribution area
You can also send consignments weighing less than 50 g, as the Post’s residual monopoly does not apply to unaddressed consignments.
These do not have to be flyers – you can also send mailings, catalogues, product samples or special formats.
We offset all CO₂ emissions generated by the transport and delivery of items from our depots to the recipients automatically and without extra charge.
No minimum weight
Maximum weight: 1,000 g
The minimum amount per order for the product Quickflyer Unaddressed is CHF 1,000 (if an order consists of several partial orders due to different languages or brochure variants, these will be considered cumulatively).
In principle, until the Thursday of the week before the desired delivery week.
If preparation and bundling meet the Quickmail specifications and the total weight is less than 10 tonnes, delivery is possible until Monday of the delivery week.
Bundling: bundles of 50 or 100 for commercial unaddressed mailings; bundles of 200 also possible for official unaddressed mailings.
Quick Calculator
Plan your shipments of unaddressed consignments using the Quick Calculator. With the Quick Calculator, you can work out the distribution areas and costs for sending your unaddressed mailings quickly and easily. The Quick Calculator does not require you to log in. You can of course also import distribution area lists from traditional postal providers.
Selecting distribution areas
If you send unaddressed mailings using Quickmail, you can individually select your chosen distribution areas. You can do this either using existing distribution area lists or by importing lists directly into the Quick Calculator. Alternatively, you can select your desired distribution areas anywhere in Switzerland manually or based on postcodes, cantons or linguistic regions. In addition, you can combine these geographic selection options with target-group-specific criteria, allowing you to limit your shipping selection to e.g. specific household types (such as single or multi-family homes).

Selecting a distribution area based on postcode areas in the Alpine/Prealpine region

Selecting distribution areas in the vicinity of various subsidiaries in regional centres across Switzerland.
This is how it works
Feed your distribution areas into our Quick Calculator to receive a guide price and see your potential. Quickmail currently reaches up to 90 % of all households, depending on the region.
You create an order in the Quickmail extranet and specify the format, weight and thickness of your consignments.
You will receive the documents generated for the order, such as the bundle label and pallet lists, within one working day of the order being created in the Quickmail extranet.
Quickmail or your service provider bundles the consignments. A light blue bundle label is used.
You deliver the consignments to Quickmail by Thursday of the week before the one in which the delivery is due to be made. If the consignments are prepared and bundled precisely to Quickmail’s specifications, they can be delivered by Monday of the delivery week. Our customer consultants would be happy to help you plan your consignment provision.
Deliveries take place on the Thursday and Friday of the chosen delivery week.
Weight | Price in CHF (incl. VAT){center} | |||||
Commercial consignments{center} | Official consignments{center} | |||||
Letterboxes without a ‘no advertising’ sticker{center} | All letterboxes{center} | |||||
Single- (& two) family homes{center} | Multi-family homes{center} | All types of houses{center} | Single- (& two) family homes{center} | Multi-family homes{center} | All types of houses{center} | |
1 - 25 g | 0.195{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.100{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.125{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.175{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.090{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.115{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
26 - 50 g | 0.213{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.118{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.143{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.193{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.108{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.133{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
51 - 75 g | 0.231{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.136{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.161{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.211{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.126{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.151{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
76 - 100 g | 0.249{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.154{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.179{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.229{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.144{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.169{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
101 - 125 g | 0.267{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.172{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.197{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.247{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.162{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.187{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
126 - 150 g | 0.285{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.190{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.215{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.265{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.180{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.205{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
151 - 175 g | 0.303{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.208{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.233{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.283{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.198{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.223{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
176 - 200 g | 0.321{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.226{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.251{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.301{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.216{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.241{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
201 - 225 g | 0.339{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.244{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.269{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.319{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.234{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.259{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
226 - 250 g | 0.357{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.262{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.287{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.337{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.252{highlight:#c3dff7,center} | 0.277{highlight:#c3dff7,center} |
For each additional 25 g: CHF 0.018 per consignment.
Product variations:
Single-family houses: Only people who live in a house with one household are reached.
One- and two-family houses: Persons living in a house with one or two households are reached.
Multi-family houses: All persons living in a house with two or more households are reached
All house types: You reach all persons in the selected distribution area
Mailing criteria
Up to maximum size B4 (353 × 250 mm)
Not smaller than format 140 × 90 mm
Rectangular format with a flat surface or cuboid mailings
Mailings with at least one closed lateral edge
Sufficient paper strength – An unfolded A4 sheet must weigh at least 10 grams. This is equivalent to a paper weight of 160 g/m2. Sufficient strength at a paper weight of 160 g/m2 is only guaranteed with uncoated paper. If you use a coated paper, a paper weight of 170 g/m2 must be chosen so that the mailing is sufficiently sturdy.
Sales rebate
If you have annual sales of more than CHF 50,000 (with Quickflyer Unaddressed), we offer you an individually agreed sales rebate deducted from the list prices stated above.
What is the difference
between commercial and official consignments?
Quickmail delivers both commercial and official unaddressed consignments.
Commercial consignments
Commercial consignments are all consignments sent for promotional purposes. It does not matter if the consignment is advertising a product or service, extolling a discount campaign or offering free samples. Commercial consignments may not be placed in letterboxes with a ‘no advertising’ sticker.
Official consignments
Unlike commercial consignments, official consignments may be delivered to letterboxes with a ‘no advertising’ sticker and to households on the ‘Robinson list’. Quickmail therefore delivers official unaddressed mailings to all households in the selected area.
No free or weekly newspaper deliveries
Quickmail makes deliveries on Thursdays and Fridays. This means that you must deliver the consignments to Quickmail by no later than Monday of the week in which the delivery is to be made.
As a result, Quickflyer Unaddressed is not suitable for delivering free or weekly newspapers.
Examples of official consignments
Mail items from charitable, tax-exempt non-profit organizations that are certified by the ZEWO Foundation (www.zewo.ch) or whose charitable nature is undisputed for other reasons; however, commercial brochures with shop items are not included
Mail items from political parties
Mail items from cross-party committees that are specifically related to upcoming elections and votes
Mail items of a non-commercial nature that meet the information requirements of a wider public (for example, requests for blood donors/information about construction projects/noise or traffic/interruption to supply lines such as electricity, water, gas, telephone/siren testing)
Mail items from disposal/recycling companies (clothing and shoe bags, battery bags, etc.)
Mail items from authorities, from federal administrative bodies and public companies, and from cantons and municipalities, provided that the purpose of these unaddressed items is not predominantly commercial
Official journals and other official organs of publication
Your contacts